Sunday, November 13, 2016

We Can Do Better--A Plea for Justice

I have never blogged before.  I'm not funny or interesting per se, but I am passionate about my kids, being a mother, being a nurse, and social justice.  I couldn't figure out how to add blog postings to other blogs, so I decided to make my own.  There is a lot of social injustice going around right now, especially in light of our recent election.  My heart breaks for the Trump supporters who have felt marginalized and unheard these past several years...whose country seems to be heading more and more toward something they don't recognize or feel a part of...  My heart breaks for the poor, the needy, the unloved, and the oppressed.  We have pushed others who are unlike us farther and farther away instead of listening to them, trying to understand them, and working together toward a common good.  All humans deserve to be loved, to be cared for, to receive health care, to pursue happiness and experience equality and justice.  Our country has long favored wealthy, white, Christian men, at the cost of dehumanizing and exploiting anyone different.  We have created a society that does not care for others or hold true to the Christian values of loving the poor and being welcoming to all.  We are truly missing out on opportunities to show the world that we truly are the best country in the world, and it is time to change this.  By almost no metrics are we considered the best country, but we can be, if we come together and commit to making a better, more equitable future for everyone, not just ourselves.  Social justice is difficult, and it moves slowly, often going one step forward and two steps back.  But we cannot give up, especially as our neighbors need us most.  We have the opportunity to put hatred, differences, and partisanship aside.  By advocating for human rights, such as free or reduced access to early childhood education, universal access to healthcare, and programs aimed at helping whomever needs it most, we can all benefit.  I am choosing faith instead of fear moving forward.  Faith in humanity, in our capacity for love over hate, and in our ability to band together and fight for what is right.  I hope you will think critically about what you can do as we move forward and that you too will choose faith over fear and kindness over hatred.
